Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop 2.0.7 Details
Shareware 3.19 MB
Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop is an easy to use, powerful and highly efficient PSD file recovery tool featuring advanced data recovery algorithms. The software is based on the concept of multi-page wizard and will recover the results of your work in case of a power failure, virus attack, file system corruption, damage of an optical disk or other incidents. No matter what happened, you will only need minutes to be back on track again!
Publisher Description
There is no doubt that Adobe Photoshop is the absolute leader and major trend-setter on the graphic editors market. The very name of this software has long ceased to be a proper noun and now signifies the very best of modern image processing and manipulation technologies. Used by millions of professional designers, photographers and artists worldwide, it offers virtually unlimited image editing opportunities and makes seemingly impossible things a reality in the hands of the right people. Complex PSD files often take days and weeks to finish, so losing them could be truly disastrous. If you want to be able to recover the results of your work in case of a power failure, virus attack, file system corruption, hard drive or flash drive corruption, damage of an optical disk or other incidents, try Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop!
Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop is an easy to use, powerful and highly efficient PSD file recovery tool featuring advanced data recovery algorithms. The software is based on the concept of multi-page wizard that facilitates the use of the program and allows any person, even with minimal knowledge in this area, to recover data from a damaged Adobe Photoshop (*.psd) file. The software enables you to view the structure of the file being recovered (layers, properties, header, etc) and restores the data automatically. The process consists of three easy steps that require minimal input from the user - all you need to do is press the Next button to advance further. The duration of the final stage - data recovery - will depend on the size of the source file and the speed of your computer. If the file was damaged very seriously and the software cannot restore it in the automatic mode, you can send the source file to the authors of the program for deep analysis and manual recovery.
Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop will restore the most complex PSD files. No matter what happened, you will only need minutes to be back on track again!
Download and use it now: Recovery Toolbox for Photoshop
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